Saturday, November 19, 2011


If you are creative and stylish minded, then learn the art of nails and toes. This is also a tool to enhance the beauty of your hands and make your total outfit unique and artistic. Practice always makes you perfect, so do it at your home and create stylish designs to improve the appearance of your nails.

Beginning with simple designs as first try will be worth well. Otherwise it will be a mess for you. Take simple, but attractive design like flowers or letters. Keep in mind that every color of nail art is completely dry before starting next color. The wetness of the first color will make trouble for you, and damage your art. When going to use the other color, it will be better to clean your brush carefully.

For nail art various colors are available in market, choose any appealing color for you. It will be better to make experiment with different colors. Make a try with acrylic paints; it will be cheaper in comparison to the nail polish. The tools for nail arts are easy to collect, because they are available in market, for example toothpick for making dots, zero point brushes and stylish brushes.

Acetone is necessary for removing nail polish. Now here are tips for nail arts:

1-Fill two third of water in a cup and drop a little color of paint in it, then dip your fingers in it. Try to make marble design. If you are feeling any difficulty then mix nail polish in the cup, it will do well. As undesirable quantity of paint will appear on the surface of your nails, remove it from a cotton piece dip in acetone. Grip a pin or toothpick in other hand and drag color from it up to your nails.

2- For making fantastic design take jewel or sticker, with flat surface, dip it in nail gel or glue and place it gently on the nail. Press it and let be dried. An excellent design will appear on the surface of the nails.

3- Take some paint or gel and mix it with glitter, then dip the brush in the mixture and apply it on the surface of the nail and make desired pattern and design. Let it dry and make another coat. As a final touch apply glitter on the nail surface and remove the excess by shaking your fingers.

4- If you are willing to make leaves or flowers on the nail, dip the corner of the brush in dark green then dip the other corner in light green. Swish the brush on the surface of the nail; you will see that leaves like figure has appeared on the nail. If it is not proper, then take a paper and practice to make design on it. After some time, leaves and flowers of various colors will be easy for you to design. Remember white flowers with color ground will give a charming effect. As a finishing touch apply acrylic coat on your nails. It will protect you nail art.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Color can have a profound effect

Nearly everybody neglects the color and don’t know the importance of it, but the researchers tell us that various colors have different effects and reactions on the mood of the people. If you have a good understanding about colors, it will help you in decoration of your living and working place. If sense of color has developed in your mind, it will guide you to have a choice for you clothing and making everyday decisions. For example:

Green: As we see the flowers, trees, plants, and lush green grass, we say at once that green is the color of nature and life. It has a nice combination with health & prosperity. It also improves relaxation, comfort and peace like blue.
Due to its calmness and peaceful effect it is used in institutes like hospitals & schools. Green is peace, so if you will have green cloths on your body, people will consider you as positive personality. A dark green color on the walls of your bedroom will give you cool & comfort.

Red: Red is the most powerful color which represents love and hatred both. Researchers say that it has a power link with mood. It also increases your blood pressure as well as heart rate. It may make you miserable and puzzled. Red is highly attractive, so the choice of lipstick, dress, or necktie can attract the attentions of others, but don’t use it for coloring the walls of your bedroom.

Yellow: When you opt for yellow it gives you pleasure and enjoyments. According to researchers the people who have nature of adventure, prefer yellow. It is interesting that it has an association with energy. It is bright but less than red.

Blue: Blue gives you cool and comfort effect. It also provides relaxation to the mind. Furthermore it reduces the heart rate. The researchers showed some people the white & blue room of a hospital, people opt for blue. They told that blue seems to be soothing. If the color will be used in the bedroom, you can have a deep sleep. This romantic color will take you to the valley of dreamland.

Black: Black is the opposite of white, so it is dark side of nature and represents the absence of light and illumination. In some countries it is called the color of death. It has a deep relationship with sorrow and grief and also produces hate. On the other hand it is powerful when used in dressing. The persons who wear black suits gives serious impression.

White: It represents the peace and purity. It is also symbol of unity and associate with balance. It is surprising that in everyday life when we use this color, it seems to be unfriendly. People feel less comfort and ease in white painted rooms.

Orange: It is the symbol of warmness, whereas brown represents the feeling of security and smoothness, such as brown furniture in a room gives the feeling of relaxation rather than orange furniture.

Violet: It is cool, so it gives the impression of peace. It has a quality to give relieve against anxiety. The purple is the symbol of nobility. One study shows that people like to prefer violet instead of yellow.