Wednesday, April 30, 2008

...:::I Am Not Asking For::...

I'm Not Asking For Diamonds
i'm not asking for the world
I'm just asking for you to hold me...
And call me your baby girl....

Friday, April 25, 2008

...:::i May Not Get:::...

I May not get to see you as often as i like
i may not get to hold you in my arms
All through the night
But deep in my heart i truly know
You're the one that i love
And i can't let you go...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

...:::it's All written :::...

it's all written down in your life lines
it's written down inside your heart

You and i were just made to love each other....

Saturday, April 5, 2008

...:::I Need Not:::...

I need not know more words
if you are who i am to live for,
there is no limit to life

if you are the reason i need to try
let there be no boundaries

if you are why life's restless motion
soothes to the silence of a moment,
there is no time

if you are all my heart seeks
and all it will never need
let it be yours, let it be
if you are my soul to whole
let it be to you
as you are to me ....